Sunday, December 25, 2011

She Sees You When You're Sleeping

Merry Christmas to all! I have a very special gift for you on this very special day: a video of me the day after I lost my two front teeth.

I can't decide which facet takes the Awkward Factor to 11 in this video, but I've narrowed the field down to three, or possibly four, contenders.
  1. Debilitating perfectionism manifested in a six-year-old (0:00-0:30)
  2. A narrow focus on inane fact vs. a broader understanding of global context, suggesting grossly underdeveloped cognitive and social skills (0:38-0:44)
  3. Portents of sociopathy (1:00)
  4. The bangs (1985-1991)
You decide.

Have a wonderful and blessed Christmas!

Emily (and Jonny)


Graham said...

this very well might be on of my favorit things in the world...

Elizabeth Turner said...

ohican'tbreathe...oh my gosh.

LOVE it. Especially, "what was yesterday?"

so. so. funny. i have to watch it again, right now.